New Hampshire Primary Outcome Strengthens Trump-Biden Rematch

Trump easily won the first two primary elections in 2024, putting him in a good position to become the Republican nominee. This made a rematch with Joe Biden even more likely.

Nikki Haley, Trump’s Republican opponent, promised to keep fighting even though she came in second place in New Hampshire (where she had hoped for an upset) and third place in the Iowa polls. But she has a long way to go. No one has ever won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and then lost their party’s nomination.

Trump warned Haley about the mean things that would be said during the campaign if she doesn’t give in to his demands that she drop out in his win speech. Trump said things that were more angry than happy. He said that Haley would be investigated if she was chosen, but he also said that she had no chance of unseating him.

“This is not your typical victory speech,” he said as all of his defeated Republican opponents stood around him. “But don’t let anyone claim victory when she had a terrible night.” It was called a “furious and rambling rant” by Haley’s team, which also asked, “If Trump is in such good shape, why is he so angry?”

“This is why so many voters are ready to move on from Trump’s chaos and are rallying behind Nikki Haley’s new generation of conservative leadership,” her team said.

Haley was nicer in her speech. She gave in to Trump and told him she was happy for his win. She said she wouldn’t back out of a race that had just started, though. “New Hampshire is number one in the country,” she told fans in Concord, the capital city of the state. “It’s not the last one in the country.” The race isn’t over yet.”

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She insisted that she could use her second-place finish in New Hampshire to get an even better result in her home state of South Carolina, where she has been voted governor twice. But polls show that Trump is ahead of Haley by about 30% in South Carolina, where the Republican primary race is on February 24. The fact that Haley lost showed how popular Trump was with Republican voters, who didn’t believe his lies about an alleged stolen election or his 91 criminal charges.

As Haley put it, “chaos follows” Trump, and she said Republicans would lose the presidency again if they chose him. They said, “A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency,” which meant they thought the 81-year-old president would not be able to finish his term. Biden wasn’t on the New Hampshire primary ballot on Tuesday, but a write-in effort from people in the state helped him win.

“It is now clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate.” “I want to tell the country that the stakes could not be higher,” Biden said in a letter on Tuesday. “This Is Democracy. Our freedoms, like the freedom to choose and the freedom to vote. Our economy has been recovering faster than any other in the world since COVID. It’s all on the line.


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